Marriage Certificate

Marriage is a hugely rewarding act of worship and a great sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.

Marriage – Muslim men are permitted to marry only Muslim, Christian, or Jewish women. Women are only permitted to marry another Muslim, so if you are a male, you will need to provide proof that you converted before you will be allowed to marry a Muslim woman. It is strictly forbidden for both men and women to marry Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Jains, Agnostics, Pagans, and others.

Following additional documents must provided with printed two copies of marriage certificate:

Steps to get Marriage Certificate

If your marriage was officiated at Al Jannah with the current Imam and you would like a certificate please print two copies .

Schedule a time: Email the Masjid at [email protected] to schedule a time for the Imam  and the officials to authenticate .

Please bring your state Ids.

Please deposit a fee of $25 into our account via Zelle with our Zelle ID [email protected]

One copy will be returned  to you and the other will be kept for our records .

The document does not need to be in color.